Sunday, November 10, 2013


To: From: 00001742/ Subject: Feedback on the planetaryisation workweek and suggestions on budge the content of the introductory lessons Dear Ms. Mukimova, I am agreeable for such an interesting and useful induction week. In my acme of learn, the introductory lessons were steerd and given with the highest level of quality and quantity. It is well-known(a) that the induction week is a preliminary to studies at the university. In view of the aforesaid, during the introductory help we, first-year students, became acquainted with not except our group mates and the staff but totally the regulations and general rules of the university and its rating system too. However, I suppose that it would be mend if several points were explained at greater length and alter as much as possible. First of all, the university system of grades was not decisive enough for me to understand because of its complexity perhaps. Secondly, it would be very(prenominal) useful to organize the open-air induction week lessons. It would consider the introductory process more engrossing and lively. I try for you will beat my suggestions into consideration and my feedback on the induction week will be helpful for the students coming the next year. give thanks you in advance. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Best regards, 00001742/111 BIBLIOGRAPHY Buelens. M. et al., (2002). organizational behavior. 2nd ed. unexampled York: McGraw-Hill Education. Clegg, S. et al., (2008). Managing and Organizations: An launching to theory and Practice.2 nd ed. Croatia: Zrinski d. d. Fripp, P., (2011). The Genius of Teamwork.! [online] Available from: <> [Accessed 7 January 2011] George, M. J. and Jones, G. R., (1996). understand and Managing Organizational Behavior. USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. George, M. J. and Jones, G., (2002). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior. third ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Joshi. N., (2011). Advantages and...If you want to get a to the full essay, rules of order it on our website:

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