Saturday, November 9, 2013

Comm155 Final

R ar or orphan diseases be presently change close to 200,000 people in the United States. This convention is make up of nearly 6,000 disorders, and one of them is called Angelman Syndrome. A removed(p) cousin to Angelman Syndrome is called Autism, and this disorder is spreading rapidly affecting families ein truth(prenominal) daylight with 1 child in all 166 births being diagnosed with Autistism. Doctors in the United States will diagnose 50 new cases e truly day. While both of these disorders fall under the label of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and are considered being in the same family they are actually very far apart. While Angelman Syndrome and Autism are believed to thrust different characteristics that hold developmental difficulties and social problems there are many claims as to what the sweat of each disorder may be. Starting with Angelman Syndrome it is much believed that the main source problem has to do with the fifteenth chromosome. Scient ist believes that the fifteenth chromosome of the maternal side is either deleted or mutated in the desoxyribonucleic mordant sequence. This theory however is not a simple sabotage and dry answer be typesetters case the 15th chromosome also can be perfectly fine. This can be identified by doing blood tests that look at the entire DNA strand focalization on the 15th chromosome. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When looking at the Autism side of this proportion we find ourselves once again looking for an answer of what the cause of this disorder may be. While scientist think that their may be a genetic deficiency at fault notwithstanding lik e Angelman Syndrome studies brook shown tha! t to date nothing is definitive. There have been many theories that range from high levels of serotonin to the use of oxytocin during birth, too much early education, excessive TV watching, and tied(p) elevate down to vaccines and baby formula. While scientist are exempt curious for the true causes of these disorders more attention is now being centre on treatments and therapies for the people that are simply severe to start in a world much different than...If you pauperism to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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