Sunday, November 10, 2013


melodic line mobile trey WORKOUT CHART ( matchless WEEKS) ODD NUMBERED WEEKS ARE TO BE through ON MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY still Date| natural spring Ups| Calf Raises| Step Ups| pang Ups| Burn give aways| Squat Hops (wed)| | sets | reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| 1| 2| 20| 2| 10| 2| 10| 2| 15| 1| c| 4| 15| 3| 3| 25| 2| 20| 2| 15| 2| 25| 1| three hundred| 4| 20| 5| 4| 25| 2| 30| 2| 20| 2| 35| 2| 250| 4| 25| 7| 4| 30| 2| 40| 2| 25| 2| 50| 2| 350| 5| 25| 9| 4| 50| 2| 50| 2| 30| 2| 70| 3| three hundred| 5| 30| 11| 6| 50| 4| 30| 2| 35| 2| 90| 4| 275| 5| 30| 13| DO NOT| DO AIR| ALERT 3| IT IS IM| PORTANT| THAT Y| OU RES| T YOUR| LEGS DU| call off W| EEK 13!!| !!!!!!!!! is a professional essay writing service at which you can    buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
| 15| 4| ascorbic acid| 4| 50| 2| 50 | 2| deoxycytidine monophosphate| 4| 500| 5| 50| AIR ALERT III WORKOUT CHART (EVEN WEEKS) EVEN NUMBERED WEEKS ARE TO BE DONE ON TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY ONLY Date| leap out Ups| Calf Raises| Step Ups| Thrust Ups| Burnouts| Squat Hops (wed)| | sets | reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| sets| reps| 2| 3| 20| 2| 15| 2| 15| 2| 20| 1| 200| 4| 20| 4| 3| 30| 2| 25| 2| 20| 2| 30| 2| 200| 4| 20| 6| 2| 50| 2| 35| 2| 25| 2| 40| 2| ccc| 4| 30| 8| 3| 50| 2| 45| 2| 30| 2| 60| 4| 200| 5| 25| 10| 5| 40| 2| 55| 2| 35| 2| 80| 4| 250| 5| 30| 12| 4| 75| 4| 35| 2| 40| 2| vitamin C| 4| 300| 6| 30| 14| 3| 30| 2| 30| 2| 20| 2| 30| 1| 250| 4| 20| * Week 14 is designed to prepare your legs for the final week. The repetitions have been reduced for this reason. Do not exceed what is prescribed. * Week 15 must b e completed on Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Frida! y.If you want to get a vertical essay, order it on our website:

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